Authenticity and embracing being ‘a work in progress’

Like many of you, our worlds expanded greatly in 2020 with the gift of virtual communication. I noticed that in networking groups, during the ‘elevator pitch’, I was in the company of highly experienced professionals. This had me squirming a tad because I am a rookie coach and a rookie networker. No matter how many times I crafted my ‘elevator pitch’, it always came out sounding stiff. I finally said ‘heck with it’ and decided to speak with honesty, integrity and be myself completely. I then began my pitch with “I am a work in progress”. The words flowed easier from there. I smiled, I laughed and people got to know the real me. Now on the flip side, I ain’t no damn rookie behind the wheel of a car. My confidence soars with experience and skills passed down from a dad that raced cars.

Who Would You Trust More?


We are all a ‘work in progress’ in some area of our life and yet we all have a tendency to gloss over this ‘progress’ to get to the highlight reel. Where are you a ‘work in progress’? How will you own this progress? How will your authentic self embrace this progress and in so doing, inspire other to know they can also do the same? Can I invite you to:

  1. Name 3 things that you are an expert in.

  2. Can you remember what it felt like to be a beginner in these areas ?

  3. Name 3 things that you are still at the ‘work in progress’ stage. What does that feel like?

Are you willing to share this at your next zoom call?

“Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It's about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.”―BreneBrown,The Gifts of Imperfection


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