Wheel of Life - Self Assessment Tool
This is a quick assessment and meant to be a light-hearted view of your life.
On a scale of 1-10 (the center of the wheel is “0” and the outer circumference is “10”)
Within each quadrant, assess your level of satisfaction on a scale of 1-10
For example “I see my family about once a month and my satisfaction with that is an 8”. However, my sister might say “I see my family about once a month and my satisfaction with that is a 4”.
Within each quadrant, put a “dot” to represent your number from 1-10
Join all dots following the curve of the wheel as much as possible.
How well is your wheel of life rolling? (My wheel looked like a Flintstone wheel that had lost an entire chunk out of it!)
If we were working together, what quadrant would you want to increase your level of satisfaction?
Book a complimentary coaching session today and let’s get your wheel rolling smoothly!